Saturday, July 26, 2008

Took another preg. test

..and of course, just like the other 7 I've taken in the past 2 weeks, it said negative. *sigh*

What the hell is going on with me??? One day, I'm POSITIVE that I'm pregnant, the next day, I have a pee stick saying I'm not. It's an emotional rollercoaster, that's for sure.

I had forgot about that we tried to have a baby as of about 2 weeks ago as well (not just on our honeymoon which was 5 weeks ago). My cousin Erin reminded me that I could be pregnant, but be just way too early for any pee stick to register it. Good point! So I guess we'll see.

In other news, Anthony (my husband) wanted to try again today but I was busy working so I didn't have the time at the exact moment..however, for the first time in about a month, I am taking off of work!! :-D We're going to see the Milwaukee Brewers baseball game which starts at 6pm.

Speaking of...

Last time we went to see the Brewers play, which was about 2 weeks ago), I damn near fell asleep in my seat! I was purely EXAHUSTED!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember thinking "wtf???" because I'm never that tired! And I love baseball, so it was weird for me to rest my head and tell my husband that I'm going to nap on his arm. I've felt exhausted a few times after that, but not everyday. Maybe about 5 days total this month.


It's so frustrating not knowing. I'm having symptoms that clearly tell me yes, but I have pee sticks telling me no. Yes. No. Yes, no. Yes..NO! Maybe I should just wait for 3 months and if my belly has grown, then I know I'm not preggers. lol

I'm going to watch some tv and then go watch the Brewers down at the stadium. See ya later!! :)


Friday, July 25, 2008

Another symptom: CRAMPING!!! :-D

Well, now I have cramps!! They started yesterday but I kinda ignored them for the most part because they were very light cramps and thought maybe I just bumped into something. But about 20 minutes ago, I started to REALLY feel cramping on my left side of my lower tummy!! :-D

Okay, if I am NOT pregnant, then this has got to be the most weird 2 weeks of pregnancy-like symptoms EVER!

I have had:
*Mood Swings (from angry to sweet within 1 minute)
*Crying (and I never cry)
*Nausea a few nights (2 of them were severe)
*Frequent Urination

The *ONLY symptom that I haven't had yet is sore breasts, although the top of my breasts have been slightly tender to the touch for a few days but that's probably my fault from always touching/poking at them to see if they're tender. lol

The crying & cramps (both of which I experienced today) has got me excited again...Am I pregnant???? Could I be true???

The last thing I wanna do is get overly excited until I find out for sure, but I would be SO SHOCKED if I wasn't at this point.

As I previously mentioned, I only get my period twice a for me to have cramps about 5 weeks after my last period is just TOO weird! I only get cramps when I have my period and I don't have it nor do I plan on getting it since I'm so abnormal with my cycles.

I'll keep ya'll updated of course on any new symptoms or continuing symptoms!


Crying watching tv shows

So I'm sitting here this morning with my coffee and my husband, we're both watching "The Mole" (recorded on our DVR). They showed a part where the people playing the game got a chance to see their family but only if they got their quiz right.

I saw 1 of the guys wife and their cute little daughter waiting to see if they'll be able to see him or not. Not knowing if he would be able to see his little girl or not made me cry. Yes, cry! Why? I'm not sure. Maybe it's because I want a baby so bad? Or maybe because I felt for the little girl (if she wasn't able to see her dad.) Either way, I cried and my husband looked at me like I was insane! lol "You're crying??? Why?" he asked. And I said "Because I want that little girl to see her daddy SO BAD!"

I'm not a cry'er by ANY means!! So for me to cry, is a big thing. I'm not sappy at all. So that really caught me off guard.

It's well known that pregnant women often cry at the drop of a hat, but I don't know at what stage in a pregnancy that happens (or is it throughout the whole pregnancy?) But maybe I was just having a moment. I dunno.

Okay, I have laundry to fold and work to do, so until next time..ciao!


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Giving in & giving more pressure.

I give up! No, it's not a negative thing, I'm giving up feeling PRESSURED! The pressure is coming totally from myself, nobody else. But I'm done pressuring myself or worrying myself to the point of insanity.

I don't know if I'm pregnant or not, but according to the last 7 test I've done (including another 1 this morning), I'm not preggers. And that is fine! Yes, fine! I want a baby more than anything in the world right now, but I'm not going to give up my daily life & sanity over trying/worrying/thinking about it either. If I am preggo, then I'll find out. And if I'm not, then I'll find some point soon.

All my symptoms have stopped and it's a little disappointing and a reality check that "hey, guess what Jamie, you're not pregnant!" and I have to deal with that. But I can either get depressed over it (very easy to do, by the way!!!!) or I can switch it arounda and be positive about it!

I'm going to start working out and eating right so that I can lose some weight and feel great for myself and it'll be a bonus for when we do actually end up getting pregnant. So it's a 2-for-1 deal. ;-) Like I said in my previous post, I'm going to join a gym next month and I'll get fit again.

I've felt like such a lazy blob lately (and I look like one, too!) I've been doing nothing but working (which is here on the couch for 16 hrs a day..I work from home) and I've been eating loads & loads of junk food! Chips, pie, banana! No wonder why I gained 5 lbs this week!!! I'm eataing like a pig! Gross. :-/

Soooo, I'm re-focusing all my energy and time onto ME for once. Not Anthony (my husband), not my job, not my family/friends...ME!!!! I have to learn how to be selfish and think of me first and others 2nd. Nobody else will take care of me as good as I can take care of myself, so that's what I'm focusing on. Getting myself healthy physically and mentally. Hell, maybe I'll even do yoga or some bullshit...but I also have the attention span of a fly, so we'll see how that works out.

"Whatever will be, will be."

Amen to that!! I'll keep blogging in the meantime about fights/concerns/updates on feelings and such, so if you're liking this blog already, then bookmark it and keep checking never know what I'm gonna say or do next. ;-)

Until the next post...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Still feeling a little sick

Today I wasn't peeing nearly as much as yesterday and I wasn't sick last night, and I didn't feel as exhausted as I have been. With pretty much no pregnancy symptoms, I was starting to get a little nervous that maybe I had "jumped the gun" and got my hopes for nothing, and I still think that.

Am I pregnant? I don't know. All the pregnancy tests say no, but I would only be 4 weeks preggers today so it's a good chance that if I am, it wouldn't show up on any tests right now.

Today I felt a little tired about 12 hours into my day and right now, my stomach isn't feeling so good. But that could easily be from the 3 slices of pie I had tonight in about an hour of each other. I made this AWESOME bananna cream pie with homemade whip was delish!! But I over-indulged and I think I'm paying for it now.

But if I go back the past 7 days and look at the times where I've been sick, it's always been late at night. So I don't know if I've just been eating the wrong things or what. I guess time will tell.

I'm actually starting to get depressed. Yes, depressed. Why? Well, because I got my hopes up (REAL high) and I'm afriad that I'm not pregnant and that I will become depressed. I'm depressed about possibly getting depressed. lol Does that even make sense??

I've been doing a ton of research online and I can't stop looking for more info on pregnancy. I ran across a website that said in Week 4 I would be experiencing:

*tingling or aching breasts
*headaches/neck aches

For the past week, I've had 3 out of those 4 symptoms. If I got my period regularly, then I'd be able to tell if I'm preggo or not. But I only get my periods a couple times a year. When we got married on June 20th, that was the last day of my period. So on our honeymoon, I was fertile (I think). And we did try (alot! ;-) lol) on our honeymoon to get pregnant.

I'm going to take another test next week and by then if there's no "positive", and my symptoms have mysteriously vanished, then I'll assume (and probably correctly) that I am not pregnant. *sigh*

I'll keep blogging every day or every other day just as a way to track what I'm going through mentally and physically.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"Maybe I'm pregnant!"

Lately (being the past 3 days), I have been feeling very fatigued and having to take naps that usually last about 4 hours per nap. On top of that, 2 days ago AND last night I felt very nauseous and it came on very suddenly! I got up from the computer and ran to the master bedroom bathroom and hunched over the sink..I was positive that when I opened my mouth, puke would come out! But nothing happened. And last night, I did the same thing and had to eventually sleep with a bucket by the bed. I walked away from the bathroom both times confused and thinking "What the fuck was that all about??" Ahh! Maybe I'm pregnant!!!

It's so funny how every little thing can turn into "Maybe I'm pregnant!" when you're trying to have a baby. I'm peeing more often..."Maybe I'm pregnant!"...I'm tired all the time.."Maybe I'm pregnant!"...I sneezed twice today..."Maybe I'm pregnant!"


It's so frustrating!! Too bad us women don't have an alarm go off or something that would sound off the very second that we got pregnant. Wouldn't THAT be nice?!!! :-P Unfortunately, that's not the case. So I'm resorting to the "maybe I'm pregnant" sentence a few times a day.

Anthony is so funny: one minute, he wants 4 kids. The next minute, he's not "ready" to have kids. His meaning of "ready" is 100% about money. He's not "money ready". Well guess what, Bucko? We aren't ever gonna be "money ready" for a kid! People don't have kids when they have $50,000 saved up in the bank..they jump in with both feet and prepare for the waves of the ocean! Hell, that's the fun part! Well...most of the time, anyways. Every couple fights about money and/or always concerned about money. That's life. No matter how much you make, it will always be the same tune: "Can we afford this? Can afford that? How are we going to afford that!??" Sometimes you gotta rob Peter to pay Paul, or just budget things out for the month, or use coupons from the Sunday paper to save yourself $30 on that weeks grocery bill. My point is, things have a funny way of always working out. Even in our darkest hour, shit will work out!! The problem with us is that I know this. Anthony, on the other hand, doesn't...despite the years being together as proof that we're okay.

Anyways, so I totally have baby on the brain. We haven't "tried" in about a week and it feels weird to not be trying everyday. I've just been soooo stressed out and busy with working that I haven't had a minute for myself. But that's all gonna change and soon.

I drove by the gym that is about 1/4 of a mile from us (its brand new) and took a peek inside. It's cute! It's smaller but it's 24/7 and only $25 a month with no contracts to sign. You sign up, pay the $25, and they give you a card. The card opens up the door so only members can get inside. Next month when I get paid, Anthony and I are both going to join. I love Anthony the way he is, but for health reasons, he needs to get in shape. And frankly, SO DO I!!! I'd love to lose 30 pds at least. The first 20 will melt off in a few months (I've learned that about myself), it's after that point that my weight gets stuck. Ehh, we'll see what happens. Anyways, I wanna start working out for a few reasons: for some good old fashioned "Me" time, to get into shape, to lose weight before getting pregnant, and just to look & feel good! :)

Oh, and just for an update: I did take a prego test today and it said negative. :( So either I'm not pregers yet, or it's too early to show up on a test. Yesterday was our 1 month anniversary by the way!!! :-D I tried to "get some" (lol) but Anthony totally wasn't in the mood. He was in that laying on the couch mood.
Dammit! lol :-P

Maybe I can get him to have a little fun later on. ;-) Hopefully my tummy won't feel so bad and I won't be burping up puke every 5 minutes (attractive, I know. lol)


Let me introduce myself..

Hey everyone, my name is Jamie and I'm a 27 yr old newlywed from outside of Milwaukee, WI.

I just got married on June 20th, 2008 to my wonderful husband Anthony!! :-D Our wedding was beautiful and it was everything that we dreamed of (and planned for a year & half!) lol ;-)

We've been dating for 9 yrs prior to getting married. So why did we wait so long? Well, we got together when I was 18 and fresh out of a long term relationship. He was 25 and going through that "I still I'm 21 & single" phase in his life and I was 18 yrs old going through that "I know everything in life!" phase. Needless to say, our first 2 yrs together were rocky at times. lol

We actually took 2 yrs off (when I was 21-23) and that not only saved our relationship, it made it rock solid!! I needed to explore the world a little bit & grow up. He needed his space and time to get his career going. It was the hardest thing in my life to walk away from him for 2 yrs, but we kept seeing each other and working out our issues. The result? The most stable, rock-solid relationship with 2 happy and understanding and mature people! It was the best move in our lives. :)

So, now I'm here blogging about trying to conceive our first child! Oh god, that sounds sooo weird. Me? Trying to be a mom? Holy shit! Am I REALLY ready for this? HELL YES!!! :-D

I'll be 28 yrs old in November and Anthony will be 34 in March. We are older, wiser, settled, and stable. And most of all, we're ready to merge each of us into 1 human being. :)

So follow along with me about my ups & downs, daily struggles, mental hardships, and lots of wishing & hoping days for us to conceive our very first child!!! :-D
