Friday, October 24, 2008

morning night.

Even though my last pregnancy test told me that I am *NOT* preggo, my body is still screaming at me that I am.

As any woman will tell you, we know our bodies and we know when things are totally not right. Well, I know my body and I know the things I'm experiencing are not normal by any means.

I'm getting "morning sickness" at night, and it's always the same time (I just now started to notice the times). From about 12am-2am is when it starts, and around 2am is when it's the worse.

I start to feel "not so right" around 12am, and then by 2am, I'm burping up acid and gagging & feeling nauseous. Rinse & repeat the next day.

My husband seems to think it's stress, and he might be 100% correct on that! I just find it funny how my body has a schedule for being sick every night. I don't think stress does that..does it???

And my heart has been racing like you wouldn't believe from VERY little movement, and it's espeically beating hard & fast when I lay on either side of my body. I did some research online and found that this too is a pregnancy symptom.

Since taking tests just depreses me (since they're always negative), I'm staying away from taking anymore. I'll see if my symptoms go away in a few days after we move. I think after we move on Saturday, I'll feel better (if this is all stress related, that is.)


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It's 2:27am and I'm nauseous/gagging

I logged on here, in the middle of the night, to complain about feeling sick.

My belly is doing flips inside and it's making me gag to the point of puking a little bit in my mouth. I feel VERY sick!! Flu-like kind of sick. I can physically feel my tummy rumbling and moving (soon to be burps, I think). Feels like air is moving all around inside or something..but with a TON of pressure in my lower ab area.

It comes in waves. From strong, to mild. When it's strong, it's STRONG and I'm running to the bathroom to gag over the sink. But when it's mild, I can actually relax and calm down.

If you read my last post from yesterday, then you know that I've been having every pregnancy symptom in the book..but every test says that I'm not prego.

I seriously have no clue what the hell is going on with my body, but it's not fun!!!


Monday, October 20, 2008

I am truly baffled.

I just took a pregnancy test and I am VERY shocked that the results are negative. I walked away in confusion and disgust.

How can I be having EVERY SINGLE SYMPTOM FOR A MONTH and not be pregnant??!!! How does that happen?!!! I feel like I'm 9 months pregnant and someone just told me "No you're not."

Why is my body telling me one thing, and this pregnancy tests telling me another! Could it be that STRESS has the exact same symptoms as pregnancy?????? I am beyond baffled, shocked, and disappointed to say the least.

Maybe since I get my periods every 4-6 months, that my body is just going through a verryyyyy long PMS cycle and I'll eventually get my period.

Who knows at this point.

I won't be posting on here until I know for sure, 110%, that I am pregnant. I'm sick of "feeling" pregnant, only to be let down. I'm going to stop testing all together. I can't take this's emotionally draining and I'm done.

We'll still continue to try, but I probably won't know until I start showing because I've HAD IT WITH PREGNANCY TESTING!!!!!! I'm DONE!! Everytime I test and it says negative, I feel like I lost a child. It's THAT BAD!! It's depressing and it shakes me to the core. My emotions are taking a toll on me. I have to stop testing, otherwise I'm gonna end up in a padded room in a hospital.


Sunday, October 19, 2008


Hey everyone! I figured I'd post an update since it's been a couple of months!

The hubby & I just bought our FIRST HOUSE!! :-D We move in this Friday, so we've been busy little bees packing up our life and getting ready for the move.

We also adopted a dog and named her Bella! She'll be 12 weeks old when we pick her up this Sunday. She's a golden retriever pure bred. So we're both totally excited about that as well!

In other news, we haven't stopped trying to get pregnant!! :-D We've been trying and lately, I've been experiencing all kinds of things that aren't normal for me, which leads me to believe that I might be pregnant. Now, I've thought this way before..about 7 times so far. LOL So I'm not getting my hopes up, but these changes have been increasingly getting more & more noticeable and I don't know what is going on with my body.

Here's a list of early pregnancy symptoms that I've been experiencing:
*nausea (few times)
*fast heart rate
*extreme fullness in tummy after meals
*headaches (alot)
*hungry a little more often
*severe mood swings (crying, pissed, depressed, very happy, etc)
*breasts feel heavier/bigger than normal
*weight gain (about 7 pds)

Tonight I got so dizzy that I almost passed out. So I hurried up and took a multi-vitamin (just in case I'm in dire need of vitamins) and then I drank some sweet tea (to get my blood sugar up). On top of that, I ate almost a whole box of Mac n Cheese about an hour ago...and I'm hungry AGAIN!! I felt like I haven't ate since this morning, that's how hungry I am. It's so bizarre!

I haven't had time to buy a pregnancy test lately, and I've been waiting on purpose (up until this week, anyways) because if I AM pregnant, I wanted to make sure that it would show up on a pee stick. I believe the normal time is about 4-6 weeks after conception.

Getting headaches alot has been a major red flag for me because I was getting really bad headaches day after day...up to 6 days in a row. I still get them (took aspirin tonight because I had one) but they're not as severe and often as the past couple weeks.

If I'm not pregnant, then I'm going to go see a doctor because there is something wrong with me then. I've never felt so out of character as I have been lately and there's too many things going wrong at one time. Something is not right, that much I'm sure of. Maybe it's overwhelming stress or something. I have no clue.

As soon as I take a pregnancy test, I'll post the results here. That might be tomorrow because I need to know either way for health reasons.

I'll keep ya'll updated!