Friday, October 24, 2008

morning night.

Even though my last pregnancy test told me that I am *NOT* preggo, my body is still screaming at me that I am.

As any woman will tell you, we know our bodies and we know when things are totally not right. Well, I know my body and I know the things I'm experiencing are not normal by any means.

I'm getting "morning sickness" at night, and it's always the same time (I just now started to notice the times). From about 12am-2am is when it starts, and around 2am is when it's the worse.

I start to feel "not so right" around 12am, and then by 2am, I'm burping up acid and gagging & feeling nauseous. Rinse & repeat the next day.

My husband seems to think it's stress, and he might be 100% correct on that! I just find it funny how my body has a schedule for being sick every night. I don't think stress does that..does it???

And my heart has been racing like you wouldn't believe from VERY little movement, and it's espeically beating hard & fast when I lay on either side of my body. I did some research online and found that this too is a pregnancy symptom.

Since taking tests just depreses me (since they're always negative), I'm staying away from taking anymore. I'll see if my symptoms go away in a few days after we move. I think after we move on Saturday, I'll feel better (if this is all stress related, that is.)


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