Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I'm now on Clomid

It's been a long, long while since I updated this blog and I figured that now would be a great time to not only update it, but to post as often as I can! :)

I just got done reading all my past blog entries and in one of them, I asked..

"Could it be that STRESS has the exact same symptoms as pregnancy??"

The answer is YES!!!

It's ironic how stress & pregnancy have the exact same symptoms. Don't believe me? Look it up on or ask your gyno..or just simply do a google search. So the answer to all my "Why do I feel prego when I'm not?" was because I was STRESSED OUT TO THE MAX!!! My body was not a happy camper.

Let's fast-forward to this month (June 2009) & what I've been up to:

The hubby & I are moved into our house, our 1 yr wedding anniversary is coming up in 10 days (wow!), and I have seen a gyno about my infertility. I was diagnosed with Polycistic Ovarian Disease (PCOS or PCOD). It's scarily common, I found out. Anyways, the doctor put me on a fertility drug called "Clomid", after he put me on pills for 10 days to bring on my period that I haven't had in 11 months (yes, 11 months!). After I got my period (on May 20th), I had to take the Clomid on days 3-7 of my bleed.

On June 7th, I took a First Response Ovulation Test and it came out positive! I WAS OVULATING!! :-D

Here's a pic of my test:

The way to read the test is that the 1st line has to be AS DARK or DARKER than the "Control Line" (line on the right). As you can see, mine was darker than that line which meant that I was at my peak of ovulating. Needless to say, the hubby & I "tried" about an hour later when he finally came home from work. ;-) lol

Today (June 10th), I experienced very mild cramping on my left side. I'm also noting that my breasts seem larger and perkier (no clue why) and even a friend of mine noticed & commented on them today. Pregnancy related? Who knows. We'll find out in a few weeks when I take a pregnancy test!

Wish us luck! :-D


Had Period: May 20th-May 27th
Took Clomid: May 23-27
Ovulated on: June 7th
Sore Breasts: June 11th or 12th (4-5 DPO)
Clear Runny Vaginal Discharge: June 14th (7 DPO)
Breasts Less Sore: June 16th (9 DPO)

UPDATE @ June 14th:
I'm noting that my breasts have been sore since June 11th or 12th (can't remember). The left breast especially sore, the right breast is just tender. This could be due to a couple of things such as working out or lifting a big chair by myself down a flight of stairs. I'm just noting it on here just in case.

Also, I noticed a runny clear liquid discharge today. I never have any kind of discharge before my period or after, so this is very weird. Other symptoms I have felt have been very mild cramping on my left side still (only when sitting in a specific position on the couch) and once or twice, I felt a pain in the center of my pelvic area. Never had that before, so that kind of alarmed me. I believe that happend 2 or 3 days ago. In addition, I have felt more tired than usual (sleeping later, wanting to take naps, feeling lazy in general).

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