Sunday, October 19, 2008


Hey everyone! I figured I'd post an update since it's been a couple of months!

The hubby & I just bought our FIRST HOUSE!! :-D We move in this Friday, so we've been busy little bees packing up our life and getting ready for the move.

We also adopted a dog and named her Bella! She'll be 12 weeks old when we pick her up this Sunday. She's a golden retriever pure bred. So we're both totally excited about that as well!

In other news, we haven't stopped trying to get pregnant!! :-D We've been trying and lately, I've been experiencing all kinds of things that aren't normal for me, which leads me to believe that I might be pregnant. Now, I've thought this way before..about 7 times so far. LOL So I'm not getting my hopes up, but these changes have been increasingly getting more & more noticeable and I don't know what is going on with my body.

Here's a list of early pregnancy symptoms that I've been experiencing:
*nausea (few times)
*fast heart rate
*extreme fullness in tummy after meals
*headaches (alot)
*hungry a little more often
*severe mood swings (crying, pissed, depressed, very happy, etc)
*breasts feel heavier/bigger than normal
*weight gain (about 7 pds)

Tonight I got so dizzy that I almost passed out. So I hurried up and took a multi-vitamin (just in case I'm in dire need of vitamins) and then I drank some sweet tea (to get my blood sugar up). On top of that, I ate almost a whole box of Mac n Cheese about an hour ago...and I'm hungry AGAIN!! I felt like I haven't ate since this morning, that's how hungry I am. It's so bizarre!

I haven't had time to buy a pregnancy test lately, and I've been waiting on purpose (up until this week, anyways) because if I AM pregnant, I wanted to make sure that it would show up on a pee stick. I believe the normal time is about 4-6 weeks after conception.

Getting headaches alot has been a major red flag for me because I was getting really bad headaches day after day...up to 6 days in a row. I still get them (took aspirin tonight because I had one) but they're not as severe and often as the past couple weeks.

If I'm not pregnant, then I'm going to go see a doctor because there is something wrong with me then. I've never felt so out of character as I have been lately and there's too many things going wrong at one time. Something is not right, that much I'm sure of. Maybe it's overwhelming stress or something. I have no clue.

As soon as I take a pregnancy test, I'll post the results here. That might be tomorrow because I need to know either way for health reasons.

I'll keep ya'll updated!

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